


发生了什么:州立法委员正在研究警务改革和实践. 州长宣布了该州重新开放的下一阶段. 的 League signed onto a letter supporting a federal bill to keep 2020 Census operations going. 州政府开始分发鲍威尔法案的钱.

含义:这是忙碌的一周. 为了简化事情, this Bulletin explains why most municipalities are seeing reduced Powell Bill allocations; what a legislative committee plans to do on law enforcement practices; what’s allowed to reopen as of this evening; and why the census bill is so vital.

ON TAP:会员应该这样做 现在注册 for upcoming meetings focused on the legislative policy goals of North Carolina cities and towns in the next biennium. 的se meetings (details in this Bulletin) will give members the opportunity to share and discuss their ideas with each other and League staff.

瘦子:很难记住慢新闻周是什么感觉. 我们感谢你的勤奋和意识,因为你为你的社区做最好的工作.

鲍威尔法案的款项将于本周发放, 你可能会注意到比预期的要少. 原因如下:2019年, 联合国大会通过了几项特别的“小额预算”,其中包括一项交通预算, HB 100 2019-2021两年期交通部预算. That 2019 budget was reason for celebration as it increased state aid for transit and included a 2020 increase in Powell Bill spending of $7.人口不足20万的城市增加了3.75亿,这是多年来的首次增长.

庆祝是短暂的. 随着2020年的到来,联合国.C. 交通部(NCDOT)的预算故事发生了巨大变化. NCDOT reported increased unbudgeted expenses for natural disasters and legal settlements and, 最近, the added problem of an unexpected loss of revenue from the reduction in gas tax collections during the 新型冠状病毒肺炎。 crisis. 今年七月, the 大会 was forced to adjust the second year of the two-year transportation budget HB 77 交通部2020-2021财年预算/治理. (的 governor didn’t sign the bill; it became law without his signature.)

So, 今年7月, HB 77对2021财年的一些运输资金计划进行了重大修改, such as moving $425 million out of the Highway Trust Fund’s new project program and completely deleting 2020 state aid to both rural and urban transit systems. 它还删除了计划中的每年7美元.增加3.75亿美元的鲍威尔法案基金,并进一步减少非经常性的10美元.4200万(仅为21财年). 的 total fiscal year 2020-21 Powell Bill amount currently set to be distributed is nearly $132.700万年, which is less than the budgeted amount due to an “unanticipated expenditures” reduction of nearly $4.NCDOT详细说明了400万美元 在鲍威尔·比尔网站上.

这就是为什么几乎所有的市政当局都会看到 鲍威尔·比尔基金全州平均削减约10%. 一些快速发展的社区可能会看到适度的增长, 因为这是一个基于里程和人口的分布公式. We are hopeful that this is a one-time experience and that the next state budget will return 到 expected levels of state funds.

​Police and sheriffs took center stage at a legislative study committee meeting Monday that focused on policing reforms and practices. 警察局长、治安官和警官的代表出席了会议 他们的建议 到 众议院社区关系、执法和司法特别委员会. 此外,委员会成员审查 他们自己的建议其中许多将对市政府产生重大影响. 该委员会计划在整个秋季举行更多会议, 最终在联合国下届会议上提出了立法建议.C. 大会. 周一提出的想法可能会成为最终建议的一部分, 其中包括市政当局感兴趣的以下主题.

  • 执法人员(LEO)培训
  • 狮子座心理健康支持
  • 执法机构认证
  • 警察行为,例如使用武力
  • 全州范围内的无证警官和纪律警官数据库
  • 随身摄像机录像发布
  • 公民审查委员会
  • leo的有条件豁免
  • 狮子座招聘实践
  • LEO举报人保护
As part of the League’s legislative policy goals planning process for the upcoming 2021-22 legislative biennium, 我们将主持六场现场直播, 网络会议和两次面对面会议. 现在注册. 的se meetings (each will cover the same ground; just pick the date that’s best for you) will give members the opportunity to share and discuss their legislative policy ideas with each other and League staff.


  • 周一,10月. 12, 10-11:15 a.m.                                  
  • 周二,10月. 13, 1-2:15 p.m.
  • 周五,10月. 16, 10-11:15 a.m.
  • 周五,10月. 16, 1-2:15 p.m.
  • 周一,10月. 19, 10-11:15 a.m.
  • 周二,10月. 20, 10-11:15 a.m.

  • 星期三,10月. 14, 10-11:45 a.m. BB&T棒球场信托体育场| 951棒球场路,温斯顿-塞勒姆,NC 27101
  • 周四,10月.15, 10-11:45 a.m. 塞格拉体育场| 460海伊街,费耶特维尔,NC 28301
的 goal is to receive input that reflects the diversity of our members’ opinions and circumstances. 基本流程包括以下步骤:

  1. 议员们提交他们对立法政策目标的想法. 想法应该符合365足彩下载的总体政策重点领域, 具有可操作性,并适用于全州的城镇.
  2. 的 政策委员会 考虑所有提交的想法,通过镜头 市政核心原则 和政策重点领域,并向董事会提交建议.
  3. 在检讨及细化政策委员会的建议后, NCLM董事会将目标提交给全体会员投票表决.
  4. Each municipality casts a single vote on the policy goals and the results are used by League staff, 议员和立法领导人共同推进议程.
在11月11日之前提交你的想法. 5. 想法可能是 通过我们的在线表格以书面形式提交 或者可以在我们的现场活动期间提交(下面有更多信息). 

当头脑风暴合适的目标时, 考虑北卡罗莱纳州市政目标中共享的想法. 想法也应该是“可操作的”," meaning there is a reasonable path for action in the state legislative or regulatory process. Local bills or very specific ideas that impact only one member municipality are not appropriate.

修订后的指南由美国农业部发布.S. Treasury Office of the Inspector General (OIG) clarifies that local governments that choose to expend 冠状病毒。 Relief Fund (CRF) money on public health or safety employee payroll expenses will not have to provide additional documentation showing how those employees’ duties changed in response 到 global pandemic. 来自美国的初步指导.S. Treasury stated that payroll expenses for public health or safety employees were presumed to be an eligible use of CRF funds. 然而,美国政府最近发布的指引显示.S. Treasury OIG caused confusion because it seemed to indicate that local governments would have to provide documentation justifying how such employees’ duties had changed as a result of the 新型冠状病毒肺炎。 outbreak. 修订后的指南消除了这种混淆, stating “…the government will not have to demonstrate/substantiate that a public health or public safety employee’s function/duties were substantially dedicated to mitigating the emergency.” Local governments should still be prepared to submit the necessary payroll documentation 到 N.C. 大流行病康复办公室, but they will not have to justify a public health or safety employee’s function or duties when doing so.

全国城市365足彩下载(NLC)发布了一封由N.C. 市政365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶说, 敦促美国国会支持这项两党法案.S. 参议院旨在改善2020年人口普查工作. 2020年人口普查截止日期延期法案 S.4571 ——这将确保美国的安全.S. 人口普查局在10月10日之前无法完成2020年人口普查工作. 31. While courts have intervened in the Trump administration’s orders to conclude the count early, 利益相关者担心少算会伤害社区, whose census numbers determine their eligibility for various funding programs and business prospects. “对城市、城镇和村庄进行仓促的人口普查可能意味着1美元的全部份额.5 trillion in federal funding across more than 300 federal programs in the next decade will not be properly distributed as Congress intended under those programs. 的se funds are allocated based on census data,” the letter from NLC CEO Clarence Anthony states. 请完整地阅读这封信.

酒吧, 音乐厅及场地, 夜总会, 休息室, 成人娱乐场所, 竞技场, 会议及活动场地, 影院, 游乐园等场所将从下午5点开始恢复营业.m. 今天(10月10日星期五. 2) -但限制适用. 根据一项新的行政命令 第三阶段 北卡罗来纳州谨慎的重新开放进程, 酒吧可能会在减少容量限制的情况下重新开放室外座位区, 例如. 但室内酒吧区域必须保持关闭. 阅读FAQ文档 the governor’s office issued to explain the ins and outs of the new phase and what is allowable at each kind of establishment cleared to resume business under the order. It comes as state officials observe a leveling-out of key numbers being reported in the ongoing 新型冠状病毒肺炎。 pandemic, 他们敦促公众保护这一进展,这样国家就可以进一步重新开放. “我们必须继续努力,减缓病毒的传播。.C. 卫生与公众服务部部长. 曼迪·科恩在一次采访中说 详细说明当前数字的新闻发布. “通过练习3w——穿、等、洗——注射流感疫苗,下载流感疫苗 SlowCOVIDNC应用,我们每个人都可以保护我们所取得的进步.” 

美国.S. 众议院周四批准了2美元.2万亿美元用于新型冠状病毒肺炎。救援,其中近5000亿美元用于州和地方政府. 但是,由于按照党派路线通过,该法案预计不会成为法律. 希尔报道 that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin couldn’t reach an agreement satisfactory to both parties; Republicans favor a version that spends $600 billion less than what hit the House floor on Thursday. 没有共和党众议员投赞成票. 新闻媒体援引美国国防部官员的话报道.S. 参议院多数党领袖麦康奈尔说,他“希望看到另一个救援方案”. 我们已经试了好几个月了.” Of the talks between Speaker Pelosi and Secretary Mnuchin, McConnell said: “I wish them well.观察人士说,在选举前达成协议的可能性不大. 阅读全文.