


2016年大选的申请于周二开始,而与此同时 许多候选人申请连任 that day, several legislators recently announced that they would not seek another term in office. 其中最重要的是麦凯恩. 汤姆Apodaca, a key member of the Senate leadership who announced that his current term in office would be his last. 在一份宣布他离职的新闻稿中参议院公牛驼鹿前往牧场阿波达卡说:“天下没有不散的筵席。. It has been the honor of my lifetime to serve the people of Western North Carolina in the state Senate.“365足彩下载将怀念与麦凯恩的合作. Apodaca, 和 we thank him for his service 和 wish him all the best in the future.

除了森. Apodaca, a trio of Representatives recently announced that they would not be seeking re-election. 共和党人 罗杰西克里斯·惠特米尔民主党人 特里西娅Cotham,他们都表示不会再竞选连任. 的 League thanks all three of these Representatives for their hard work while in office 和 we wish them all of the best going forward.

在本周提交竞选连任申请的众多候选人中,有加州州长布朗. 帕特·麦克罗里,他以 克纳斯维尔的一个活动. 同样申请竞选的还有前众议员特朗普. 戴尔·福尔韦尔,他宣布参选 下任财政部长. 到目前为止,所有参加选举的候选人的完整名单 可以在这里找到.

的 campaign to support passage of a $2 billion state infrastructure bond issue is under way, 随着支持者的揭秘 这个竞选网站 本周. 的 bipartisan campaign has tapped former state Supreme Court Justice Bob Orr as one of its co-chairs, 和 plans a substantial effort building both grassroots support for the bonds, 以及利用社交媒体接触选民.

10月, League President Lestine Hutchens joined Governor McCrory at a bill ceremony held at Stone Mountain State Park near Elkin, 和 League staff 和 municipal officials also attended other signing ceremonies. 的 bond package would achieve a key League priority of additional infrastructure investments that will benefit municipalities. 其中包括3.1亿美元用于当地的供水和下水道项目.

该债券计划将在3月份的全民公投中提交给州选民. 你可以读到奥尔大法官关于债券计划必要性的评论, 这篇文章最近出现在《365足彩下载》上, 在这里.

Five orientation sessions for new mayors kicked off 本周  with 23 newly elected mayors attending the initial session in Raleigh on Thursday. Additional sessions of Leading Your Municipal Governing Board: An Orientation for New Mayors are being held in Greenville today, 和阿什维尔, 科尼利厄斯和克纳斯维尔. 的 League 和 the University of North Carolina School of Government are holding the sessions, 其中包括对市长角色的讨论, 州公开会议和公共记录法, 与媒体合作.

虽然新市长培训的报名已经截止, t在这里 is still time to register for the Essentials of Municipal Government sessions, 由团校和政府管理学院联合举办, 从一月份开始. Based on the lively discussions 和 response from yesterday's initial mayors' session, we expect the upcoming Essentials of Municipal Government also to provide a great forum for more informative 和 useful dialogue. You can find information about those sessions, including how to register, 在这里

N.C. Building Code Council (BCC) will receive public comment on a concept that would limit the size of mega resort homes, 如果它们被认为是住宅而不是商业建筑. In 公开听证会 周二, 12月15日, 早上9点在罗利的麦基蒙中心, the BCC plans to hear input regarding the merits of new code provisions limiting the number of bedrooms for structures regulated as residential rather than commercial buildings. 的 state's commercial building code requires additional public safety features, 比如出口标志和消防洒水装置, 住宅建筑规范中没有包含的. 英国商会没有具体的提案可供评论. 而, 通过这次公开听证会, the Council intends to assess the level of support for such a change to the state building code. 有关此概念的更多背景信息, 以及在公开评论中使用的谈话要点, 请联系 艾琳Wynia.

周二,30多条新法律生效, including one providing for tougher criminal penalties for graffiti 和 another that sets up regulations for local law enforcement use of automatic license plate readers. 的 针对涂鸦的新法律 would generally lead to a felony charge after someone had two previous graffiti-related convictions. 的 自动读牌法 制定执法机构使用的程序, as well as privacy protections designed to ensure that data collected which is not related to a criminal investigation be destroyed after 90 days.

我们在365足彩下载的公众 & Government Affairs team are pleased to share that our colleague, League Regulatory & 立法 Counsel Sarah Collins, recently gave birth to a beautiful 和 healthy baby girl. 埃勒·伊丽莎白·柯林斯出生于11月11日. 19岁,母女俩都很好. 我们祝贺莎拉和她的丈夫马特. Sarah will be on maternity leave until early next year, but in the meantime you can still 给莎拉发邮件到这里.

州和地方政府养老基金显示为3.截至9月30日,季度亏损7%, a drop largely caused by a decline in the portfolio's publicly traded stocks. State Treasurer Janet Cowell said the pension funds remain solidly positioned after returns averaging roughly 7 percent a year over the past five years. 的 treasurer pointed to diversified investing in real estate 和 private equity in helping to mitigate losses by publicly traded stocks in a particularly volatile year for those investments. 阅读财务主管关于季度报告的新闻稿 在这里 找到完整的报告 在这里.
State environmental officials say the effects of water-cleaning devices called SolarBees won't be fully known until a four-year pilot project is completed, but a preliminary report issued last month showed little improvement in water quality. Thirty-six of the devices were deployed on Jordan Lake more than a year ago, 立法者已经考虑了扩大其使用的提案. Critics say the preliminary report shows what they have been contending all along: That the devices will not substitute for upstream buffers 和 other regulations intended to protect water quality. 的 regulations 和 deployment of the devices are of critical importance to both upstream municipal wastewater discharges along the Haw River basin 和 to downstream municipalities w在这里 more than 300,000名居民依靠约旦湖的饮用水. 阅读有关该报告发布的媒体报道 在这里.